Wednesday 16 April 2014

NBA 2014... already one heck of a season!

The Champs are Here! By now it's suggestive that I'm making a corny reference to the almighty Miami Heat! Although it can be argued that this great tower of power isn't so sharp anymore as of late; are they still a force to be taken lightly? Come to think of it, it's almost impossible to miss the fact that Miami aren't as hot as they were two years ago, but let's take a look at why they may still pull it off. Make no mistake about it, the last team you want to mess up against at this point is in fact Miami, not just because of their star trinity (James, Wade & Bosh) nope, but also the ugly truth that these guys really have that IT factor, the killer instinct; because when it's all said and done, the Heat sure know how to win when it matters most; and I say this, they know how to bring home the prize!

Miami's real challenge at this point will definitely come in the form of the Indiana Pacers & the San Antonio Spurs, which is a heck of a dilemma as they will have to beat not just one, but the two best teams right now in the NBA if they wish to hold on to their crown as kings of basketball! We know it's possible, it's doable, to say the very least, but the Heat will have to bring the house down if they want to see their gold again! 

There's no doubt in my mind that as much as Miami fans would love to see this cinderella story play on forever, bad news is the Heat maybe have only another two years at best with it's current team to enjoy the success they have been reaping for the past three years, as their team seems to getting a little bit old! But hey, that's just my opinion, but fate will have it that we are in for one heck of a nail biting Playoff series! My prediction? HEAT vs SPURS in the Finals! I'm betting on King James to deliver the KO punch that sends Miami to a third successive Championship, end of story! Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili will have just about enough gas to drive the Spurs to the Final, but just not enough to make it back home. Simply, Heat will win this 4-2!

Why haven't I even mentioned Paul George until now? Well thankfully I just did, but it ends here, as I just don't think this will be the kid's year. I'm impressed at the hype he's been been generating, he's got skills but thats just what it will be, only a hype for now, a lesson learnt well when I had that unrewarded faith in Kevin Durant back in 2012, sorry!

I won't go any deeper as the Playoffs will undoubtedly be an open book; all statistics will be thrown out the window, history won't matter, only the game! 

Good morning everyone! And do enjoy this fantastic day! Stay safe!

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