Tuesday 15 April 2014

WWE RAW 4/14/14 Review in a NUTSHELL! (Tribute to Ultimate Warrior)

Photo from wwe.com
Great opening segment for the show tonight with the superstars making their way out and paying tribute with the WWE Universe to salute the late James Brian Hellwig, aka 'The Ultimate Warrior' who sadly passed away on April 8, 2014. R.I.P great WARRIOR, you will be missed and forever immortalized....


So here we have it, an elimination style tournament to see who's gonna be number 1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship? SWEET!

RVD def Del Rio

The first match with Del Rio vs the returning (again) RVD, was better than I expected. RVD laid a few impressive moves on Del Rio while the Mexican Aristocrat himself wasn't a bit too shabby but far from his best tonight, maybe he really needs Ricky Ricardo back with him on ringside! Man Alberto catapulted his way to the top then taken a heck of a freefall back to where he once started since his big debut... I can't help but think this guy's talent has gone down the drain since his clash with the ever popular 'Super-Cena' back at Hell in a Cell last October where he lost his coveted World Heavyweight Championship to the ever predictable monotonous symbol of Mr. You can't See Me! Not taking anything away from RVD, but I mean this guy has been damn well gone for a while now, is he going to once again grab his knickers and run away again after his short return to WWE? Eh, time will tell... Great win I must say for RVD with that 5 star frog splash!

Ryback/Axel def The Rhodes Brothers

Cody gave a hell of a show tonight and I'm more than convinced this kid needs to push himself away from his partnership with Goldust which only lasted for the moment it was fresh, which again was sometime last year?!  Ryback and Axel took a win that they finally needed to convince the fans (if they still have any left) that they are a force to be reckoned with, if thats the case. We're now looking at a bunch of goons dumped out of Heyman Academy, and it breaks my heart that these two had so much promise! Ryback needs to also break away from Axel, and be a star again, because man, as of late, the 'FEED ME MORE' chants would be once again well received by WWE at this point! We want back the old RYBACK!

Paige vs Alicia Fox

MAMMA MIA! What can I say??? Paige is young but man she's got it going on in the ring and she's not too bad on the eyes if you ask me... Why isn't she on Total Divas again?? Hmm WWE better look into that... This girl is an exciting talent and after her victory over Alicia Fox with that mesmerizing submission maneuver called the Scorpion Cross, Natalya you better scoot over cause 'The Champ is Here!' Come to think of it, how about 'Paige vs Natalya' Submission Match at Extreme Rules?? WWE please book this!

The USOs vs Orton & Batista

The exchange was quite entertaining in the opening segment of this bout... Usos displayed their athleticism to the maximum tonight and held up well against two of WWE's most decorated athletes to date (yes I'm talking about Batista too)... This is a big push for the USOs more than Orton and Tista regarding the match, giving them more challenges to prove themselves as worthy holders of the Tag Titles that is slowly getting back to prominence but still nowhere near touching distance of the days of the Road Warriors and the Godwins... The Shield made their presence felt by whooping some good ol' a** and raising hell on Orton and Tista tonight and laid them to waste pretty darn good like they were Big Bird and Cookie Monster, sad... I wonder if Orton/Tista might retaliate in some way tonight?? HMMM.... Guess we'll find out?

Cesaro def. Mark Henry

GUYS!!! Did you see that freaking neutralizer Cesaro hit on the world's strongest man?? It says it all, Cesaro is a future WWE World Heavyweight Champion! I guess this is now the guy that Ryback wants to be like? I almost forgot about Henry in this equation, this guy has lost the 'PAIN' in the 'Hall of Pain' and all I now see is one big empty hall that's now a storage space for unused junk... Mark has got to leave with what's left of his dignity. WWE has squandered this big guy's talent and turned him from the most feared athlete to a big side-boobed squash match master. Cesaro has advanced to the IC Semi-Finals with RVD.

Alexander Rusev def. Xavier Woods

(Yawn)... That sums up how I felt about this match... Feels like another Ryback Rewind... Rusev is only good for now until WWE eventually decides to turn him into The Great Khali version 2.0...

Sheamus def. Swagger

Good win for Sheamus in this one, he gave his usual best and unleashed the beast on Swagger tonight to advance to the IC Semi-Finals! Sheamus is another star who has been under the radar for some time and I just hope this is a push that will take him back to the promised land with the greats like Daniel Bryan and John Cena for example. As for Jack Swagger, you just plain SUCK dude! Swagger will always be good as a tag team partner because this guy fails to carry his own weight. Cesaro breaking away from this guy was the best thing Cesaro could've done for his career. Swagger lacks the most important thing, an in-ring personality.

Had to touch on the Wyatt/Cena promo tonight. For the most part this promo itself was entertaining because the Wyatts were involved thank God! Cena once again is trying a bit too hard to seem funny, almost as if his jokes were plain scripted perhaps? Some parts i tried to laugh so that I didn't seem that bored, but this promo that Cena pulled has been done before! Bray Wyatt on the other hand, held up well and carried the swing in the feud tonight, showing he's got the skills and the personality to carry the mantle as WWE's ultimate heel... Bray and Cena will lock up at Extreme Rules in a Steel Cage which will be awesome, but another defeat in the hands of Super-Cena will see Bray's push to the top be all but over....

Fandango & Layla def. Santino & Emma

FFFAAAANNNN-DDDAAANNN-GGGOOO!!! WE love this guy! But man am I tired of this rivalry! I was so happy to see Layla in that outfit for sure, but as for Santino and Emma, they can take a permanent leave of absence for all I care! Fandango needs to be pushed close to mid-level card and get the hell out of the low-tier field... It's a shame this guy didn't even make it to the IC Tournament tonight... such a waste...

Bad-News Barrett def. Dolph Ziggler

THIS IS AWESOME echoed around the sold out arena in Birmingham, Alabama tonight as this match kicked off perhaps the most exciting part of the show! Ziggler got one of the best matches of his career and this guy needs to keep working at it so he can finally be noticed again... I can't help but think maybe, just maybe. Ziggler would be better off as a heel? Just throwing it out there. Barrett was on fire! This guy reminded us why Nexus was so great with him at the forefront of the group... Barrett unleashed his Wasteland finisher and the Bull Hammer with venomous force tonight and man did the crowd go wild for WWE's top Englishman! This goes to show that WWE needs to invest more in their future stars and stop trying to get an old man like Sting to be on their show! Bad News Barrett has advanced to the IC Semi-Finals.

The Shield vs practically Everyone ended in a no-contest

Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger, Fandango, the entire 3MB, Titus O’Neill, Ryback, Axel, Alexander Rusev, and Bad News Barrett were all part of this weird Handicap match against a three member Shield? This was a heck of a punishment thrown out by the Authority for what happened on RAW last week, but I kinda think this was a wee bit too harsh! That a** whooping the Shield got tonight sorta brought back memories of the NWO, the 11 man team proved a bit too much for them and laid waste to the Hounds of Justice who tonight were nothing more than mere pups. If that wasn't enough for tonight, who's music do we hear after?? EVOLUTION is back!! Seeing Orton/Batista/Triple H all come out to their original Evolution music made the longtime WWE Universe feel a bit nostalgic tonight, but after all, its EVOLUTION! They made no mistake in laying the already destroyed Shield from a pile of rubble into a pile of hay after they were done with them tonight! RKO's, Batista Bombs and Pedigrees went flying everywhere tonight as if there was a fire sale going on RAW! Evolution stood above the wasted Shield to end the show... sweet! The Evolution may be a little over 10 years old, but it's sure great to see a real group come back to the WWE since the NWO! The 3MB's and others just weren't cutting it, and they needed to be shown how it's done, and now the Shield will finally have a true adversary!


Very good show tonight, even with the absence of Daniel Bryan. I can't wait for more of the buildup leading to Extreme Rules, and to top it off, I hope Bray Wyatt finally shuts up John Cena! Great to see Cesaro pushed to newer limits each week, and is it me or are the Divas getting more TV time?? Great to see that for a change! Keep it locked right here as we will provide weekly reviews on WWE RAW!

PS. CM Punk isn't coming back no matter how much we chant his name every single week.

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