Thursday 26 March 2015

Andre the Giant Battle Royal moved to Wrestlemania 31 Kick-off Show by WWE

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Andre the Giant Battle Royal moved to WWE Wrestlemania 31 Kick-Off Show

WWE has moved the Andre the Giant Battle Royal to the Kick-Off show at Wrestlemania! (Click on the link above) We are not sure if this is to be considered a good move on the part of the WWE, but fans on the official site have voiced their disgust in the latest development leading to Wrestlemania 31. It's safe to say that the IC ladder match may have played an important part in this move by WWE, by not cluttering their biggest event with too many 'non-singles' matches, but whether it will go over well with the fans on Sunday night is yet to be seen.

Talents such as Ryback and the Miz, Mark Henry, Mizdow and a host of others will unfortunately be denied the opportunity to experience their true Wrestlemania moment this year, but WWE seem to have much bigger plans in store, especially with the announcement of Brock Lesnar's contract extension with the company, so expect numerous promos and some 'awesome sauce' this Sunday night!

We will keep you posted on any further WWE news leading to Wrestlemania and beyond!

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