Thursday 1 May 2014

What's wrong with WWE? #wwe

WWE has been in my life since bloody-hell 1996, and I remembered the first time I was introduced to the story-line of the one and only Shawn Michaels, the greatest superstar ever! The Heartbreak Kid made a return from injury he sustained in the hands of Yokozuna, and who could forget the return? He triumphantly stepped foot int he 1996 Royal Rumble and he won it like a boss! He went on to defeat Bret 'the Hitman' Hart at Wrestlemania 12 in the same year in an Ironman Match, and what a heck of a match! We witnessed the emergence of Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Edge, Triple H, the domination of the Undertaker and Kane, Hulk Hogan, and who could forget Mankind and even Vader? This was when WWE meant something, it was entertaining! 

I accept that the attitude era may never be replicated, and that WWE is all about marketing and entertainment on a wide scale, now making an appeal to kids as well as more women in the mix. WWE as a result has watered down the carnage and fun that once made their show 'watchable', to appeal to a general audience. WWE in other words, employed John Cena to take the mantle that was once carried by the likes of the Rock and Shawn Michaels, but really WWE? John Cena is in every sense, monotonous, he simply tries too hard to get a reaction from the crowd by constantly kissing their asses at every chance he gets. Cena somehow doesn't even receive the reaction from the WWE Universe that top superstars in the industry are accustomed to! How can this be? Cena has tried too hard to be recognized, and he has failed terribly at it, and it's not entirely his fault, its Vince McMahon's and the creative team. Plain and simple, the script sucks, and it's like they now want the world to know that wrestling is full-blown scripted. 

There was once a superstar by the name of Ryback, he was actually good! This guy was surely on the verge of becoming even bigger than Cena! But what did WWE do to him? They shot his hype from out the sky, using him as just a pawn in their futile attempt at making Cena look like somebody special! This not only harmed Ryback's popularity, and his image, but it also hasn't gotten the result WWE hooped for regarding Cena. Now enters Bray Wyatt, another talented guy who is slowly being wasted away in this effortless feud with Cena. I can imagine WWE are trying to find ways in making Cena once again look good, and they are willing to kill off their upcoming superstars just to let this happen? Pathetic! No wonder CM Punk left! How can you oust a guy who was champ for 434 days, and give his main event spot to a now 'aged' Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson? Cena simply can't make any match interesting without the exceptional talent and charisma of his opponent, because Cena lacks both talent and natural charisma!

His five moves of doom, boring, dull, repetitive, and most of all, predictable! Cena draws viewers, kudos to that, but it's safe to say his audience don't really include diehard fans like me who loved WWE since the 90's...  WWE has a new guy, Daniel Bryan, and this is exciting seeing them finally give someone else who has actual talent a chance to be the big guy! Bryan already has the fans behind his back, and he is ready to kick ass! The problem is however, WWE is plagued by some real pathetic story-writing! I wish not to continue further until this is fixed, because as of late all I can say is that RAW, Smackdown, PPV events have all been a constant drag, all the way down to the ground! I can barely keep awake for the 3 hours of RAW, which goes to show that Vince and Triple H really aren't doing what's 'best for business' after all! WWE Total Divas is perhaps the only reason I hang on to WWE by just a thread. This is actually my only favorite WWE show I watch with my wife, and we love it! Maybe times have changed, I don't know, but I'm not planning to stick around WWE events for much longer.

TNA would've been the top show, had they been blessed with WWE's promotional prowess, but in time, we will see!