Friday 2 May 2014


NBA Commissioner Adam Silver has done what was deemed necessary in getting rid of LA Clippers  owner Donald Sangster. Will this action help stop this infectious disease of racism? Maybe not, but it's a start!  Mr. Sangster is a billionaire, with a lot of assets and big time companies to his name, i mean this guy at 80 years old has got it all, all but a brain that is not set on 21st century mode! This isn't the 1700's and I doubt this guy even understood what he said over the phone and how it irked sports fans as well as your everyday civilians, irrespective of race. The ignorance of racism is never one that is analyzed on a point that is deemed honorable or admirable, it is simply distasteful! Sad to say, Sterling isn't the only top figure in the business who shares these views, and this will never stop here until the amendment is done.

Minorities have for years contributed significantly to the development of sports and this is a no brainer! Think of Basketball legends such as Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Hakeem Olajuwon, Julius Erving, Charles Barkley, Shaq O'Neal, Kobe and LeBron, just to name a few! They have stamped their mark and are presently stamping their mark as we speak, but in a good way! They day in and day out entertain the loyal fans who spend their hard earned money to enjoy a thrilling game with their friends/family to share a moment that will be cherished for weeks to come! THIS IS SPORTS! It does that, and what I really don't understand is this, why can't money hogs like Sterling see this and recognize that his payroll consists of close to 80% blacks on his team that make his bankroll boost game by game? Are they just tools in his belt, or are they actual 'people' in his old perverted mind? Everyone should be treated the same, EVERYONE! Minorities and non-minorities are the same, they contribute equally, because it's a thing that we like to call 'teamwork'. 

I'm not going to make a case of this and say that our white friends are not sometimes subject to racism also, because that would simply not be true! Racism affects everyone, black, white, hispanic, asians, everyone. It's in the workplace, schools, the supermarket, the games, heck, even in church! Racism has to be kicked in the ass, and this only shows that man's thinking simply hasn't evolved at all!  Take for example the professional soccer player from FC Barcelona, Danny Alves, who last Sunday was the latest victim of racial abuse in the middle of a bloody game? Like really? A fan from the opposing team (Villarreal) threw a banana out of ignorance at this guy during the game, but instead of ranting, Alves picked up the banana like a boss and ate a piece and threw it away! This started a heck of a viral all around the web, with players and fans and even politicians united as one, with poses of them eating bananas as well to show support to the fight against racism!

the banana throwing incident from CNN News

Sterling is nothing but an egotistical banana throwing prick and thanks to guys like him, it makes people from around the world reflect on themselves and their surroundings and people like me will only ever wonder how do they let a guy like Sterling out in public? This disease is more than filth, it's sickening! SAY NO TO RACISM! It's as simple as that, and the truth is this, if you aren't able to reflect, and see that you are no different from the guy/girl beside you because she is of a different race from you, then sadly you are no different from a degenerate such as Sterling and the guy who throws bananas at people for a living.

My final message to all the 'Sterlings' out there will be this: GO EDUCATE YOURSELVES!

Thank you...

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