Sunday 8 June 2014

Daniel Bryan... Brilliant, or BUST?

I can't help but rant about WWE's newest superstar, Daniel Bryan and his constant time away from the ring. Bryan has only competed a handful of times since his capture of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, the title of all titles! But wow, has this guy been in the dumps ever since! Bryan is currently on the road to recovery following injury to his neck, and due to surgery, we may see him out of action for maybe another two months based on information from ''. Bryan has showed us what he can do, and how good he is at doing what he does best, wrestle. The YES! movement has been berated by Stephanie McMahon and her husband, COO Triple H time and time again, but for some unknown reason, thy failed time and time again. Bryan has managed to overcome the odds, but I can't help but feel that the moment he holds on to the title, the jinx begins for this guy! 

He has had this title stripped from him on occasions, at the expense of seeing it go to Randy Orton, twice! Bryan is more than capable of being champion, but is his physique up to the challenge? Stephanie announced this past week on RAW that Daniel Bryan's title will be put up for grabs at the next installment of WWE Money in the Bank if he's unable to compete against a washed up has been KANE! What a bore! Either way, it doesn't look good for D-BRY as this may just be the beginning of the end for this lad... I can't stress enough the importance of keeping on top of your game in the WWE, if you don't believe me, ask Ryback!

WWE doesn't want to let Bryan go as we can see, because he is a fan favorite, and this means selling out show after show after show, even if he has a busted neck, so perhaps, this might be great news for Bryan on his road to recovery. Triple H better not make the mistake however of granting Cena the mantle, as we are all tired of seeing this one trick pony take the stage, he needs to retire damn it!

The flipside is this, while I'm ranting about all of this, WWE has Roman Reigns to build up, another samoan superstar on the rise, the guy I tipped to have won the Royal Rumble in the first place before jackass Vince and co decided that Batista was the man for the prize, what the heck???

Anyway, since Bryan won't be back in 2 months, let's see what can be done to save the show!

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