Sunday 15 February 2015

WWE after CM PUNK... Roman Reigns who??

Allow me to roll-out the belated 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' carpet and once again say WELCOME to live! I've been away for some time due to personal reasons, but now dudes and dudettes. I am back! 

Right to the topic of WWE, and their developmental issues after the release of CM Punk, it's undoubtedly a rather bittersweet period for the company and the WWE Universe to say the least! Punk has been gone for a little over a year now, and safe to say, the company may or may have not moved on from the era of the self-proclaimed 'Best in the World'. After all, we haven't had a single competitor challenge Punk's 434 day reign as WWE champion to this day, and to think that the current champion, Brock Lesnar, is pretty much the perfect example of a stay-at-home dad. Since the departure of CM Punk, WWE has groomed a fresh new pair of stars who are safe to say, pretty impressive at the moment! If this continues, WWE will have already proved their critics wrong without remorse. Has WWE moved past the Punk Era?

First entrant to the table:

(1) Daniel Bryan - The jack of all trades! Whether it be a tag team match, a ladder match, cage match, or a good ol' one on one match, Daniel Bryan is that guy you want to see in the ring! Standing at around 5ft  8', Bryan may not be the biggest guy in the ring, but he certainly isn't far from being one of the best in the WWE, and at this rate, it's safe to say that this guy has pretty much everything in terms of in-ring ability of CM Punk, if not even more. Who can argue with the buzz of the arena that chants 'YES!' to every thing Bryan says and does in the ring? I've never remembered the fans being this electric since the night Stone Cold defeated HBK back at Wrestlemania 14 in 1998! Daniel Bryan will contribute the most significant piece to the regeneration of WWE, only if Vince McMahon and his crappy writers can finally get this right!

(2) Dolph Ziggler - From nothing to Something, the tale of a man who fell from grace so many times, but eventually overcame the odds and finally blasted his way back to the top-tier! Ziggler offers athleticism, charisma, and a never say never fighting spirit that we saw back at Survivor Series 2014, when he took out the Authority pretty much all by himself even when the odds were seriously stacked against him! The flashy 'Show-Off' superstar has earned his place among the ranks of awesomeness, and if WWE continue to push him, he'll find himself in the main-event sooner than even he may expect. 

(3) Seth Rollins - I hate the authority, but I love Seth Rollins as a top heel! I never would've thought for a second, that Mr. Money in the Bank would've wowed me the way he has at this point, especially since I always thought his contribution to the Shield was a little lackluster in comparison to what he has become now! Rollins has it all just like Bryan! Charisma, high-risk athlete, great mic-skills, and he is the heel that you can't help but love seeing in action each and every week! Rollins has held his own against the likes of Cena, Bryan, Dean Ambrose, and even Brock Lesnar! That triple threat match back at the Rumble was one of the best matches I've ever seen, and if you compare it to the previous Lesnar/Cena feuds in the past, you can't help but admit that Rollins was the BIG difference between a 'decent' match and a 'HELL OF A MATCH!' This is a sign of great things to come for this young man, and yes some of us are aware that his nude pics did indeed get leaked, but that hopefully wont put a dent in his already stellar career.

(4) Dean Ambrose - The lunatic! Let's hope that he will be champion one day soon, but for now, I'd like to see him take on the Intercontinental title at this point, to establish his push to the top a little more, especially since he has suffered so many PPV defeats as of late to the hands of Bray Wyatt and Seth Rollins. Dean's career wont be hampered by these losses, but only help propel him further to his goal to become a legend of legends since Mankind and Jake the Snake! My only wish right this moment is to see Ambrose winning more and more matches leading up to Wrestlemania 31, this guy is just simply too awesome! (Sorry Miz)

(5) Bray Wyatt - The leader of the damned, the lost shepherd leading the lost sheep, how fitting?! Wyatt (formerly Husky Harris from Nexus) has really taken the throne as the WWE's biggest heel to date! Talk about more than a lunatic, this guy is simply on another level! Criticize his weight all you like, Bray Wyatt continues to defy the odds with his in-ring ability, especially that crazy spider walk that I swear can pop a spine, and his intriguing mic-skills! I swear this guy is a perfect machine on the mic, he never once messed up his lines, not once! The fans are so into him it's so scary! Bray will rule WWE for years to come, his time is already drawing close when it comes to being the next WWE Champion!

Some of you may have already noticed that I never even mentioned Roman Reigns, how on earth did I forget to do that? Simply put, I actually didn't! Reigns is pretty much what's wrong with WWE. The next over-hyped thing in professional entertainment, Reigns has received a bit more plaudits than he deserves at the moment from WWE, and this is probably because he hails from a family that has legendary status in the WWE. Ever since the Royal Rumble, Reigns had to live with the gruesome fact that the fans do not really like him. Roman Reigns is not who the fans want, and rightly so. His lack of ability to get the fans raving, whether it's on the mic or in the ring, has time and time again proven to be the beginning of the end for this young Samoan star. At the Rumble, WWE had to call on the assistance of The Rock, his cousin from Hollywood, the People's Champion, a legend among fans and superstars, an icon, to come to the aid of Roman Reigns, hoping to garner a little more support from the fans, but in the end, failed! I've never witnessed such disapproval from fans towards a Rumble winner since Batista last year, and that wasn't even as bad as the treatment Reigns has received! Truth be told, Reigns isn't the right man to wipe away the legacy of CM Punk, hell he isn't even able to create a legacy of his own! What we have been presented with, is a man who has been unable to entertain the fans, mostly due to the fact that he botches almost every promo he delivers week after week, telling some strange stories that I sadly can't erase from the back of my mind only because of how silly they are.  The only thing worse than Reigns at the moment, is pretty much The Great Khali, who I believe still possesses a way better entertainment value than Roman does.

With that being said, I'm looking forward to seeing the direction of the company, and also looking forward to seeing the stars continue to shine! Here's to hoping that Daniel Bryan does beat Reigns at FAST LANE!

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