Sunday 15 February 2015

Arsene Wenger's reasons to stick around! or not?

Arsenal FC have faced some challenging times this season that can be summed up as 'bittersweet' to say the very least... but what are we as their fans doing about it? After what I witnessed as a horrid display in tactics when Arsenal lost to Tottenham 2-1 last week, I literally threw my crockery out the window, thankfully, no one was hurt by this ordeal of mine! Arsene Wenger has time and time proven to himself that he is the master manipulator, a magician of old, and a football genius, but has he proven that to everyone else?

Taking a look back at last season, we managed to barely scrape the surface and managed to come out on top with the much coveted FA Cup trophy, our first trophy in nearly nine years of despair and frustration, but nonetheless we had a reason to finally celebrate the end of an era! Full of strength and filled with pride once again, Arsenal were back on cloud nine, or so it seemed. Before the opening of the Premier League season on 2014-15, we went ahead once again and won ourselves another trophy, the Community Shield, after we rightfully thrashed a poor Manchester City 3-0 to end their nightmares! Oh how things started to finally look up for the Arsenal supporters! Where then did we go wrong? A season that looked promising has so far resulted yet in another desperate attempt to salvage fourth place once again just like every other season for the past ten years and counting. Is Wenger really the problem, or are we expecting way too much from the gaffer?

In an article I previously posted, I was clear on the fact that Wenger should pack up and leave, for the sake of the club, after nine barren years of depression! After watching a few of Arsenal's last games, I somehow found a glimmer of hope that would allow me to accept the possibility of Arsene sticking around a little bit more, but only for the sake of our players and fans finding the courage to believe in Wenger once again. We defeated Man. City yet again, but this time in the Premier League, in their backyard! BOOM BOOM POW! Madness and jubilation filled the skies of North London, but of course Chelsea were just as much celebrating as we were, all for the obvious reasons of course! Wenger pulled out that ol' book of tactics he seemed to have returned to his local library nine years ago, finally putting it back to good use! Sure we didn't play the most attractive football, but it was football nonetheless and we were back to beating the big teams yet again! Fast forward to the Tottenham match, Wenger brought back the exact tactics he used against City, to a team that were never as superior as Arsenal to begin with, only to see it backfire in his face.  It doesn't take a simple man or woman who knows Arsenal's history with Spurs, to realize that Wenger was doing nothing but crap from the moment the kick-off whistle blew! The scary thing is this, not only did we face defeat to our London rivals, but now we are yet again scratching our way hoping to make it back in the top four for a Champions League tournament that we seem destined to 'not' win any time soon.

Wenger however, will have defended his claim that he is indeed the right man to see us through our difficult times, and especially with the implementation of Financial Fair Play, he sees himself as savior, which to some extent, rightly so. Wenger also believes he's able to continue to nurture the young stars such as Chamberlain, Walcott, Alexis, Ramsey, Ozil and even Coquelin to become world-class under his watchful eye! Who would argue about his determination to see the likes of Yaya Sanogo and Danny Welbeck blossom into two of the deadliest strikers in world football, only to eventually come to terms with that failure? Arsene Wenger is a man of chances, a man who sees the potential in even a rock, who/what he believes can be converted to the next Thierry Henry, but has so often ended up unsuccessful in his venture to do so.  The ruthlessness possessed by such managers like Ancelotti, Mourinho, Guardiola, and even Van Gaal, is what it takes to succeed in this Game of Thrones, which is our game of football.

Should Arsenal see better years, it will take a lot more than just hopes and dreams and WengerIn/WengerOut tweets and banners, we need the fans to voice whats truly in their heart and finally be heard! Arsene Wenger has been a significant contributor to the team, but how can we continue to overlook the big mistakes such as the refusal to re-sign Fabregas from Barcelona, who now has put his new club Chelsea on top of their football rivals? That alone in itself is considered a sackable offense! How can we afford to watch a manager who places feelings and favoritism above the game itself? I'd be the most disappointed fan if we do fail to qualify for a the Champions League next season, but I'd be even more disappointed if Wenger did stick around just the same after that, because the reason is simple, we need to grow, we need a leader who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, afraid to embark upon new challenges, afraid to make decisions that's best for business, even if that means sacrificing French pride to do so!

Arsenal are in need of a successful season, a season where we the fans, can once again say In Wenger we Trust, let's get the ball rolling in the meantime, support our club, and get behind the team to the very end! 

P.S.: Wenger, we're watching you!   -_-     -_-       -_- 

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